Podpora & Návody

Jak vám můžeme pomoci? Přečtěte si nejčastější otázky. Pokud nenajdete odpověď, napište na online@ikem.cz


Průvodce slouží jako základ pro uživatele po nainstalování aplikace a ukazuje nejdůležitější funkce.


Jak aplikaci nainstalovat, nastavit a seznámení se základním přehledem a orientací v aplikaci.

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Úvod do aplikace

Nevyhovuje vám termín návštěvy? Nevadí! Na pár kliknutí si jej můžete změnit.

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Nejčastější dotazy

Jak si zažádat o recept, vyzvednout recept nebo změnit dávkování léků.

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Jak se přihlásit

Jak nastavit sledování vaší aktivity, propojení s chytrými hodinkami či jinými zařízeními.

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Naše kategorie pomáhají uživatelům snadno najít informace, které potřebují


The Design category is a resource for designers to learn about creating visually appealing and user-friendly applications using our platform.

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Dashboard a menu

In this category, you will learn how to use our API to retrieve and manipulate data, as well as best practices for integrating with our platform.

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In this category, you will find tutorials, best practices, and technical documentation to help you create innovative and reliable software.

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In this category, you will find tutorials, best practices, and technical documentation to help you create innovative and reliable software.

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The Design category is a resource for designers to learn about creating visually appealing and user-friendly applications using our platform.

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Lékařské zprávy

The Design category is a resource for designers to learn about creating visually appealing and user-friendly applications using our platform.

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In this category, you will learn how to use our API to retrieve and manipulate data, as well as best practices for integrating with our platform.

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In this category, you will find tutorials, best practices, and technical documentation to help you create innovative and reliable software.

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In this category, you will learn how to use our API to retrieve and manipulate data, as well as best practices for integrating with our platform.

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In this category, you will learn how to use our API to retrieve and manipulate data, as well as best practices for integrating with our platform.

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In this category, you will find tutorials, best practices, and technical documentation to help you create innovative and reliable software.

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In this category, you will find tutorials, best practices, and technical documentation to help you create innovative and reliable software.

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Co vše aplikace umí?

If you're looking to start using our platform, simply visit our main website to get started. We hope our documentation helps you make the most out of our service.

Mock up telefonu s dashboardem IKEM Online